Exploring the Influence of Parenting Style on Adolescents’ Sexual Behaviour (Prostitution) in Chris Mwangi’s The Operator


Juslina Mussa Tuzza


This paper examined the influence of parenting style on the adolescents’ sexual behaviour in The Operator. The novel was selected purposefully because of the information it offers on the portrayal of prostitution particularly the causes and effects. The characters of Nancy and Diana are the manifestations of the novels portrayal of prostitution as a complex aspect of both literary and social contexts. The study employed qualitative research design to collect data from the novel The Operator based on descriptions and themes. The novel was read critically to collect primary information on the influence of parenting style on adolescents’ sexual behaviour. Social constructivism approach was employed to analyse how parents and guardians interact with female characters and influence their behaviours. This was done through close reading and systematically organizing, integrating, and examining the patterns and relationships of the characters’ behaviours and actions. Findings showed that prostitution in this novel manifests in the ways parenting style indulges the victims into becoming prostitutes. The paper argues that prostitution does not always result from economic factors but also from social factors. The findings, revealed that uninvolved parenting and authoritarian parenting styles are the factors forcing young female characters indulge in prostitution. The study recommends for the creation of supportive environment that can foster open communication between parents and children. Also, parents should adopt parenting style that encourages independence and autonomy while providing guidance and emotional support to adolescents.
